Red Tailed Black Cockatoo
Sheet metal Red Tailed Black Cockatoo. My tribute to this endangered species which lives around my area.

Sheet metal Red Tailed Black Cockatoo. My tribute to this endangered species which lives around my area.

To make, I used the following process:
- Started with images from different angles of a cockatoo and traced around it's outline on my computer in Bluebeam PDF editor. Happy to share the PDFs if you need help.
- I printed the outline on A1 paper to use as a template.
- I used contact adhesive to stick the paper template to a piece of 1.6mm mild-steel.
- To cut it out, I used a plasma cutter. I have a cheap eBay 50A plasma which is super handy for jobs like this!
- I folded it up in the bench vice with a drop in brake bender also from eBay.
- All welded together using my TIG welder with argon shielding gas. My favourite welder as it makes no mess, the welds are super tidy, and my wife enjoyed having a go at welding one up also!
- It was primed using spray primer, then 2 coats of satin black Dulux Metal Shield spray paint. Red tip on the tail using the same paint but red colour.