Light Robot
Automated light level readings! Tool for work - with some neat features.

Automated light level readings! Tool for work - with some neat features. Here's an action-shot thanks to Mike!

Status | Operational |
Platform | Raspberry Pi |
Budget | $1000 |
Date Completed | April 2020 |
Summary of operation
Walk it along, it records light levels as you go, using a combination of GPS, accelerometer, distance (wheel counter), lux level meter with data-output, Raspberry Pi, 7in touchscreen, and Wi-Fi to hotspot from your phone for data upload!
Parts used
- Raspberry Pi 3B + 7in Touch
- GPS Mouse - GP-808G (72 Channel)
- Inertial Motion Unit - Adafruit 9-DOF Accel/Mag/Gyro+Temp
- Yokogawa 51011 Digital Lux Meter (or similar)
- Some formply, wheels etc.!
Some engineering detail
The hardware is wired up as follows:
- Mainly everything connects via I2C to the Raspberry Pi.
It's coded up as follows:
- Python script runs on the Raspberry Pi which collects data from the sensors and sends it (via Wi-Fi) to InfluxDB and Grafana running remotely.
- From your phone, you can follow progress nearly real-time on Grafana
- You can see min, max and average values from the Grafana interface. If you clic a spot on the map - it will give you the level at that location!
Future improvements
Mike has found a new lux meter with Bluetooth BLE and done a deal with the supplier to hand over the protocol. So stay tuned!
Next stop - make it drive itself!